Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Enable Talk Gloves

Hello friends, Enable talk pair of gloves that with the help of sensors and new smartphone software developed by a team of four programmers from the Ukraine,they call themselves QuadSqaud could change the way deaf people communicate with the world around them. Having worked on it for less than a year, they won first prize at Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Competition  last week in Sydney, Australia, getting $25,000 in prize money.The tech tournament, held each year in a new international locale, challenges young scientists to create something that takes on one of  the world’s toughest problems.

Enable Talk Gloves

Most of the projects focused on the environment or healthcare. But QuadSquad tackled a much more basic problem: communication. The Enable Talk gloves work by translating the gestures of the user’s hands through a text-to-talk engine connected to a smartphone.

The sleek black gloves come packed with sense-reading gadgetry to interpret the hand movements, utilizing flex sensors, touch sensors, gyroscopes, accelerometers, and even solar panels to keep the battery kicking. The team said they came up with the idea after spending time with hearing-impaired athletes at their Ukrainian computer academy.The team is pressing ahead, regardless, pushing to bring their algorithm’s recognition rate up to 99%, from the current 90%, and boost its processing speed.

The team says the Enable Talk gloves can be created for around $75, a mere fraction of the cost of other prototypes (less sophisticated designs can cost up to $1,200).Besides the cost, though, another feature that makes this project so interesting is that users can teach the system new gestures and modify those that the team plans to ship in a library of standard gestures.


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                                                             ***Thanks Friends***

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