Sunday, June 24, 2012

10 Useful Dos Commands

Hello friends today i'm sharing some useful MS DOS commands,these commands really helps you in your future and it is very interesting also,as you know that MS DOS is work on command line,so by help of these commands you can easily get your output.It saves your time also and you w'll not get bore,i'm promising you.

                Start->Run->Type cmd->Command prompt

1)Assoc:Associated Extension

It is a quick and easy way to check for your default file a command prompt and write "assoc" command followed by file extension.

  Directory:\>assoc .zip (Press Enter)

The response is the installed application that is currently configured to handle that file type

2)Tree: View Directory Structure

By Tree command you can get the structure of any directory.

   Directory:\>tree >any textfile(Press Enter)

By doing this the output of tree command is redirected to the textfile.


if you want to know your basic network setup, just do a quick "ipconfig" and you will get details like your computer IP and the default gateway (which is typically your home router IP address).

    Directory:\>ipconfig(Press Enter)


if you want to know the IP address of any website then you can use ping command.

Directory:\>ping  any website url(Press Enter)


If you want to see all network connections currently active from your PC, type "netstat".

Directory:\>netstat(Press Enter)


If you want to see all active processes in windows then type "tasklist".

 Directory:\>tasklist(Press Enter)


If you want to kill any activated process then type "taskkill".

Directory:\>taskkill  (Name of imagefile(service))(press Enter)

Note:-If you want more help about taskkill command then type   Directory:\>taskkill /?


If you want to know whether any system file is infected by virus or not then type "sfc /VERIFYFILE".

Directory:\>sfc /VERIFYFILE="Full path of sysyem file"(Press Enter)

Note:-The above command run if you have administrative privledge.So for becoming administrator you have to do following steps.

start->(type cmd in the search box)->press Ctrl+Shift+Enter

9)sfc /scannow

If you want to scan all system file then type "sfc /scannow".

 Directory:\>scannow(Press Enter)

Note:-The above command run if you have administrative privledge.So for becoming administrator you have to do following steps.

start->(type cmd in the search box)->press Ctrl+Shift+Enter


If you want to find any file in the system then type "find".

Directory:\>dir directory:\  /s /b | find  filename(Press Enter) 

The system will respond with the directory where the file is stored.

           Thanks Friends....

C Programming Tutorials Based On String And DataStructure

Hello friends,today i'm sharing some C program's that are based on string and datastructure,in all these programs i have used functions and pointers.
                   I tried to make the program's easiear for all of you,because i know that typical code can't be handeled easily.Time is very precious for us so we try to learn easy thing first:):):)

                           If You want to get these program's then please Click Here

When you click the above link then you get a zip file,this zip file contain all the  programming codes and one MS Word file in which you get a C problems.

                        Thanks Friends..........

Saturday, June 23, 2012

What Is Email Protocol?

Hello friends as you know that email protocol is a method by which a communication channel is established between two computers and email is transferred between them. When an email is transferred, a mail server and two computers are involved. One computer sends the mail and the other one receives it. The mail server stores the mail and lets the receiving device access it and download it if needed. There are four different mail protocols.

1)POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):-

This is a simple, standardized protocol that allows users to access their mailboxes on the Internet and download messages to their computers. The simple design of POP3 allows casual email users who have a temporary Internet connection (dial-up access) to access emails. They can read their emails, draft new emails or reply to emails while they are offline, and can send these emails when they are back online. Yahoo! Mail ( is an example of a mail server that uses POP3 protocol.

2)IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):-

This is a standard protocol used for email transfer by users. Like POP3, it also supports both online and offline modes of email access. The email message is downloaded to the user's machine only when a specific request is made to read it. Users can download mails to their computers while keeping a copy on the server. The mails on the server are the primary copy and anything changed on the local machine is updated by what is on the server.Users can also create new mailboxes which are shown as folders on the server, and move messages between folders. This feature allows access to shared and public folders.Gmail is an example of a mail server which uses IMAP protocol.

3)SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):-
SMTP is a simple, text-based protocol that works best when devices are interconnected to each other. However, SMTP protocol can only be used to send emails. Unlike POP3 and IMAP protocols, SMTP does not provide the functionality to the users to retrieve emails from the server.One of the main issues with SMTP is the lack of sender email authentication. SMTP lacks security features too and thus users get spam emails.UNIX systems and simple applications like "mailsend" make use of SMTP protocol.

4)HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol):-

 HTTP is not used exclusively for mail transfer, but it plays a vital part for users who use Internet browsers for accessing their mails (both for sending and receiving).Hotmail and Yahoo! use HTTP protocol for accessing emails through the Internet.

 Thanks Friends....

Friday, June 22, 2012

Google Tips And Tricks

Hello friends today i'm disscussing some most important google tricks and tips,these tips really helps you,when you search anything online.So don't waste your time and try to implement this:):)

1)Google's main search invisibly combines search terms with the Boolean construct "AND". When you enter computer world – it looks for computer AND world

2)To make Google search for computer or world, just type computer OR world,(Instead of OR you can type the | symbol, like this: computer | world)

3)Boolean connectors like AND and OR are case sensitive. They must be upper case.

4)Search for a specific term, then one keyword OR another by grouping them with parentheses, like this: near(computer OR world)

5)To look for phrases, put them in quotes: "there's no school without students"

6)Exclude specific key words with the minus operator. new -amazon excludes all results from amazon.

7)The plus operator makes sure stop words are included. Like: fish +and chips

8)You can also ask Google to fill in a blank. Try: Christopher Columbus discovered

9)Search for a numerical range using the numrange operator. For example, search for Sony TV between £300 and £500 with the string Sony TV £300..£500

10)Search for any filetype directly using the modifier filetype:[filetype extension]. For example: soccer filetype:pdf

11)Google has some very powerful, hidden search parameters, too. For example "intitle" only searches page titles. Try intitle:herbs

12)If you're looking for files rather than pages – give index of as the intitle: parameter. It helps you find web and FTP directories.

13)The modifier inurl only searches the web address of a page: give inurl:spices

14)Want to know how many links there are to a site? Try link:sitename – for example

15)Similarly, you can find pages that Google thinks are related in content, using the related: modifier. Use it like this:

16)The modifier info:site_name returns information about the specified page.

17)Specify a site to search with the site: modifier – like this: search tips

18)Use the site: modifier when searching Google Images, at For example: dvd recorder

19)Similarly, Google Blogsearch( has its own syntax. You can search for a blog title, for example, using inblogtitle:<keyword>

20)The general search engine can get very specific indeed. Try movie:<name of film> to look for movie reviews.

21)For a dedicated film search page, go to

22)Google really likes movies. Try typing director: The Dark Knight into the main search box.

23)For cast lists, try cast: name_of_film

24)There's also a built-in dictionary. Try define:<word> in the search box.

25)Google stores the content of old sites. You can search this cache direct with the syntax keyword cache:site_url

26)Synonym search looks for words that mean similar things. Use the tilde symbol before your keyword, like this: ~rain

27)Looking for a map? Just add map to the end of your query, like this: Leeds map

28)Google finds images just as easily and lists them at the top, when you add image to the end of your search.

29)What time is it? Find out anywhere by typing time then the name of a place.

30)You can invoke the spell checker directly by using spell: followed by your keyword.

31)Click "I'm Feeling Lucky" to be taken straight to the first page Google finds for your keyword.

32)Want to see what others are searching for or improve your page rank? Go to


Thanks Friends........

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Make Your Computer Speak When you Log On

Hello friends if you want that your computer

speaks when you log on,then follow the

below steps and then see the magic.


1)open the notepad

2)paste the below code in it

Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome Back, Username"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks
3)Replace username with your name
4)click SaveAs and save the file as welcome.vbs
5)copy the file and paste it in the below location.
                 For Window 7 Users
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
(Replace username with your username)
         For Window XP Users
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
        Thanks Friends.......

IPV6 Launched

Hello friends on june 6,2012 microsoft launched IPv6.Now microsoft supports industry-standard technologies including the new standard protocol for the Internet, Internet Protocol version 6 (also known as IPv6), which is the next step beyond IPv4, the current standard protocol for the Internet. These protocols provide IP addresses, the "phone numbers" for the Internet that are responsible for identifying computers and devices so that they can communicate.
IPv6 is designed to solve many of the problems of IPv4, including mobility, auto-configuration, and overall extensibility. IPv6 expands the address space on the Internet and supports a nearly unlimited number of devices that can be directly connected to the Internet.

Differences between address space of IPv4 & IPv6:-

An IPv4 address is represented by 4 groups of 8-bit decimal values separated by dot(.),For example:-

An IPv6 address is represented by 8 groups of 16-bit hexadecimal values separated by colon(:)and it is abbrviated with the  following rules:
  • Omit leading zeroes in a 16-bit value.
  • Replace one or more groups of consecutive zeroes by a double colon.

  Thanks Friends............

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How To Change Any Users Password

Friends,this method enables you to re-password any account without having to know the existing password and also shows you every account that exists on the machine (even the ones that are hidden). This is a good tool to use if you forgot a password to say your administrator account and you needed to be logged into the admin account for any reason.


 1) While logged onto the computer that has administrative rights, click on Start->Run->Type cmd

2) In The command prompt window,type net users (This will show you every account that is made onto the computer whether it is hidden or not. )

3)After netuser write the name of the account then * and press enter. heres an example: net user administrator * or net user "computer world" *(Put the name in quotes if it contains spaces)

4) From there it should ask for a new password. Type in your new password (type very carefully - the command window won't display what you type) and once more to confirm it. If you get the message that the command succeeded successfully you're all set!!

    Thanks Friends.....

Some Useful Run Commands

Hello friends,today i'm sharing some useful run commands for your pc,just go to Start,then click on Run then type any command that is given below.

    (Start->Run->type commands)

0) cmd - comand prompt

1) compmgmt.msc - for computer managent

2) devmgmt.msc - device manager

3) regedit - registry editor

4) msconfig - system configuratn utility

5) diskmgmt.msc - Disk management

6) eventvwr.msc - Event viewer

7) fsmgmt.msc - Shared folders

8) gpedit.msc - Group policies

9) lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups

10) perfmon.msc - Performance monitor

11) rsop.msc - Resultant set of policies

12) secpol.msc - Local security settings

13) services.msc - Various Services

14) msinfo32 - System Information

15) win.ini - windows loading information(also system.ini)

16) winver -Shows current version of windows

17) calc - calculator

      Thanks Friends.......

Method To Put Your Name After Time In Taskbar

Hello friends by following the below steps you can easily add up ur name in place of AM and PM beside time,its really interesting:):)


-->Go to Start
-->Click To Control Pannel
-->Regional and Language Option
-->Click on Customize 
-->Go to TIME Tab 
-->Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to ur name
-->Apply then Ok

Did it change? if not follow Step2:-

-->Go to time in taskbar and Double Click it to open Date and time property
-->Look place where time changes in digital form i.e. 02:47:52 AM 
-->Click to arrow to change the AM or PM by selecting and press arrow.
-->It will Show ur name or name that was entered by you
-->Apply Then OK

%$%Thanks Friends%$%

Monday, June 18, 2012

How To Determine The Version Of Windows Using Command Line?

Hello friends if you are using  Microsoft Windows than you can easily find out the version of Windows by following the below steps.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type winver and press Enter.

Then the new window open that giving you the version of Microsoft Windows, the build info, and service pack information if any service pack is installed as shown below.

Windows XP winver window

Another Method:-

  1. Open a MS-DOS command prompt.
  2. Type ver and press Enter.
Above method may not always work, and is dependent on the version of Windows you're running. In some cases it may display Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000] or something similar, which is the command prompt version. However, some versions of Windows (such as Windows XP) will display the Windows version.

Thanks Friends.......

Displaying All Active Internet Connections In Linux

Friends it is  necessary to display what Internet connections are active on your Linux machine. For example, seeing the Apache service is actively running or not, and if running what network ports it's listening to. To do this run the below netstat command in the command line.

netstat -natp

If you have root privileges running the above command will give an output similar to the below example.

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16271/hpiod
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4917/mysqld
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 8030/apache2
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 15978/cupsd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16276/python
tcp6 0 0 :::5900 :::* LISTEN 5752/vino-server
tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 5062/sshd
tcp6 0 148 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED7534/sshd: hope [
tcp6 0 797 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED5752/vino-server

                   ***Thanks Friends***

Thursday, June 14, 2012

4 Simple Notepad Tricks

Hello friends,how are you?how is your life going on?Are you getting bore with my blogs?i know that you all enjoying my blogs a lot,today i'm sharing some interesting tricks of Notepad,just read it carefully and try to understand it:):)




1)Matrix Effect :-

  • Copy the below text in a notepad :
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
  • Save the file with .bat extension,after that open the file and see the magic.

2)Continuously Display Messages :

  • Copy the below text in a notepad :
@echo off
msg * Hi
msg * Are you having fun?
msg * I am!
msg * Lets have fun together!
msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d
goto begin
  • Save the file with .bat extension,after that open the file and see continuous messages come in front of you.

3)Convey Your Friend A Message And  Shutdown His / Her Computer:-

1)@echo off
  msg * I don't like you
  shutdown -c "Error! You are too stupid!" -s

2)Save it as Anything.BAT in All Files and   send it.

4)Open Notepad continually in your friend's computer:-

1)@echo off
  start  %systemroot%\system32
  goto top

2)Save it as Anything.BAT and send it.

              ****Thanks Friends****

Facebook Smiley Codes

facebook smiley

Hello friends,If you use Facebook a lot, then it is must for you to know these cool shortcut codes from which you can be impressive by great smileys and text editing codes. It is always quite impressive to use smileys on social networking sites when you leave a message or chat .

facebook smileys

Thanks Friends.................

Online Conference Products

Friends,there are dozens of different solutions for users who are wanted to conference, have meetings, or otherwise collaborate over the Internet with other people. Below is a listing of some of these products.

  • Skype

  • Adobe Acrobat Connect

  • Cisco WebEx

  • Convenos

  • Genesys conferencing

  • Glance

  • GoToMeeting

  • IBM Lotus Sametime

  • Intercall

  • Microsoft Live Meeting

                  *******Thanks Friends********

    How Do We Know That We have Windows Administrator Rights?

    Hello friends,today i'm sharing the steps that check whether you have windows administrator priviledge or not. 

    1)From the Windows Desktop right-click on My Computer.

    2)Click Manage, which should open the Computer Management Window as shown below.

    Microsoft Windows XP Computer Management

    3)Click the + next to Local Users and Groups or double-click it.

    4)Click Users and in the right pane you should see all user accounts setup on your computer.

    5)Double-click the account you wish to view the rights of.

    6)Click the Member Of tab.

    7)If the user is a Member of "Administrators" that account has admin rights .


    Thanks Friends....

    Wednesday, June 13, 2012

    How To Speed Up Internet By 20%?

    Friends Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC,You can get it back by following steps.

          Click Start then Run and type gpedit.msc without quotes. This opens the group policy editor.

        Then go to:-

              ->Local Computer Policy
           ->Computer Configuration
           ->Administrative Templates

           ->QOS Packet Scheduler 
           ->Limit Reservable Bandwidth.

           Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth It will say it is not configured, but the truth is that by default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a
    connection, but you can use this setting to override default  So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to
    ZERO. This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%.

     ****Thanks Friends****                   

    How To See Hidden Files In MS-DOS?

    Hello friends,if you want to see the hidden files of any directory using command line then open the command prompt(start->run->type cmd) and type following commands.


    Typing the attrib command alone will display all files in the current directory with their attributes to the left of the directory path and file name. Files that have an "H" to the left are hidden files.

    attrib | more

    If there are too many files to list on one page adding "| more" to the end of the attrib command will display all files with attributes one page at a time.

     Thanks Friends..........

    Why Can We Not Ping,, Or Other Site?

    Hello Friends,Some popular sites such as,,, and other sites that have had DoS attacks in the past may disable ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) on their servers and setup other network settings that prevent a ping request be received or responded to. Because of this when you ping these domain names or their associated IP addresses you'll receive a "Request timed out." or get a "100% packet loss."

    THANKS FRIENDS.........

    Saturday, June 09, 2012

    How to create a CSV(Comma Seperated Value) file?

    Friends, comma-separated values (CSV) file is any file containing text that is separated with a comma, but can also be a file separated with any other character. To create a CSV is as simple as creating any text file and can be created in any text editor, however, is often created in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Below are the steps on how to create a CSV file using a text editor such as Notepad.

    To create a CSV file in a text editor open a new text editor program, such as Notepad. Once open write the text you wish the file to contain and separate each field or column of data with a comma and each row with a new line.


    As an example, if you were to create a text file with the above data, and save it as a CSV file, each column is created by each comma and each row is created by each new line. Therefore, the above data if opened in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel would create a table similar to the below example.


                       Thanks Friends........

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