Friday, April 27, 2012

How Do I Set the Rights Or Chmod A File In A FTP Client?


Hi friends,Setting the rights of a file may be necessary when uploading a script or non-traditional file to your web server. To set the rights of a file or chmod a file in an FTP client, follow the instructions below. In our below example we'll be using FileZilla, our favorite free FTP client. So please read the following instructions carefully and try to do these steps with own your own..

  1. Open FileZilla.
  2. Connect to the server you're uploading the files to.
  3. On the left-hand side of FileZilla showing your files browse to the location containing the files you wish to upload.
  4. Next, on the right-hand side of the window, browse to the location you wish to upload the files to. If this location doesn't exist create it.
  5. Upload the files by dragging and dropping or right-clicking the files and selecting upload.
  6. Finally, once uploaded you'll notice that the permission by default has been set to "644" or "0644". To change that permission right-click the file and click file permissions. If you know the numeric value the file needs to be set to, enter that value into the text box and click ok or check each of the boxes you wish to set the permissions for.

*************Thanks friends******************

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