Monday, April 30, 2012

Creating HTML Push Button Link

Hi friends below source will allow you to create a push button link. If you wanted the link that forward you to learning tutorials ,change the URL to the web page you wish to open.

<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Home Page" ONCLICK="window.location.href=''">

            **********Thanks friends***********

C Program To Implement Bisection Method Using Linked List

Hi friends,in this program i store the cofficients of the equation in the linked list and after reading the cofficient i find the solution using bisection method...carefully understand it and if you face a problem while reading  this program than share with me.

struct node
       int info;
       struct node *next;
typedef struct node link;
link *front=NULL,*rear=NULL;
void equa(link **,link **,int);
float f(link*,float);
int main()
     char ch;
     int i,num,n;
     float x1,x2,x0;
     printf("\n1.cofficient enter");
                      printf("\n Enter your choice:");
                          case 1:
                               printf("\ Enter the number:");
                          case 2:
                                  printf("\n wrong choice:");
                      printf("do you want to continue:");
     printf("\n Enter the initia values from your choice:");
     scanf("%f %f",&x1,&x2);
     printf("\n Enter the number of iteration:");
                                                if(f(front,x0) * f(front,x1)<0)
                                                else if(f(front,x0) * f(front,x2)<0)
              printf("\n root is %f",x0);
         printf("\n Roots are not posible:");
void equa(link **rr,link **ft,int num)
     link *ptr;
float f(link *ft,float x)                     
     link *temp;
     float sum=0;
     int i=3;

                   Thanks friends............               

C Program That Generate All Combination Using 1,2,3

Hello friends,in this program i generate all combinations such as 123,132,231,213,321,312 using only three numbers 1,2,3...please read the program carefully and if you tought that there is other better solution of this program than share with me.

int main()
 int i,j,m,n;

   m=i*100 + (j+1)*10 + (j+2);
   n=i*100 + (j+2)*10 + (j+1);
  else if(i==1 || i==2)
   m=i*100 + j*10 + j+i;
   n=i*100 + (j+i)*10 + j;


            Thanks Friends.....

C Program That Delete A Substring From The Main String

Hello friends,today i share a program which i made in 4hours but with my own hardwork,i am sure that you can easily understand this program because i make this program only for my friends,please read it carefully try to understand it.

int main()
 char str[100],sub[100];
 int i,j,k,l,f=0,g=0,m,h,v;
 printf("\n Enter the string:");

 printf("\n Enter the substring:");


 printf("%d %d",l,m);

   else if(str[k]!=sub[j])

  printf("\n sub string is found\n\n\n");
   else if(i>h&&i<(h+l))
   else if(i>(h+l))
 else if(f==0)
  printf("\n substring not found:");

      Thanking You Guys........

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is win386.swp?

Hi friends, Win386.swp is the Windows swap file used for Virtual Memory in the Windows 95, 98, and ME environments. This allows the computer to provide more memory to applications than is physically present in the form of RAM.
This file can grow very large in size and needs space to grow. Hard disk drives with low available disk space will experience issues and decreased performance because of the lack of space available for this file to grow.
                      Thanks friends........


Hello friends,today i'll tell you about two most important words that are commonly use when you fill any registration form in the internet.

Short for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, CAPTCHA is a protection that identifies humans from computers. A commonly used CAPTCHA is an image that is distorted that contains text that is easy for humans to read, but difficult or impossible for computers to read. 

A CAPTCHA that not only helps protect a site from bots or other sctipts but also helps read books. With a ReCAPTCHA one word is generated by the script and another word is a scanned word that an OCR program didn't understand. The idea is that if a user successfully understands one of the words that it's more than likely that the other word is also correct. On September 16, 2009, Google announced it was acquiring ReCAPTCHA.

                       *****THANK YOU FRIENDS*****

Friday, April 27, 2012

How Do I Set the Rights Or Chmod A File In A FTP Client?


Hi friends,Setting the rights of a file may be necessary when uploading a script or non-traditional file to your web server. To set the rights of a file or chmod a file in an FTP client, follow the instructions below. In our below example we'll be using FileZilla, our favorite free FTP client. So please read the following instructions carefully and try to do these steps with own your own..

  1. Open FileZilla.
  2. Connect to the server you're uploading the files to.
  3. On the left-hand side of FileZilla showing your files browse to the location containing the files you wish to upload.
  4. Next, on the right-hand side of the window, browse to the location you wish to upload the files to. If this location doesn't exist create it.
  5. Upload the files by dragging and dropping or right-clicking the files and selecting upload.
  6. Finally, once uploaded you'll notice that the permission by default has been set to "644" or "0644". To change that permission right-click the file and click file permissions. If you know the numeric value the file needs to be set to, enter that value into the text box and click ok or check each of the boxes you wish to set the permissions for.

*************Thanks friends******************

How can I Monitor My Website's Status?

Friends there are dozens of free and non-free services that are capable of monitoring your website and notifying you if that web page goes down. Two free service are Pingdom and Not only does this service keep a constant monitor on your site, it's also capable of monitoring DNS, Ad networks, and more.

Dosto ye services aap ke website ke liye kafi helpful hai,so please make an account in one of these services.
                    Thanks a lot.......

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How To Enable Or Disable The Microsoft Windows Firewall

Hello friends how are you ???Are you enjoying my blogs my blogs or not?? please give me your responses,taday i disscuss with you about firewall please read this article and try to play with it.

 Firewalls is software utility or hardware device that limits outside network access to a computer or local network by blocking or restricting ports. Firewalls are a great step for helping prevent un-authorized access to a company or home network. 

  • Enabling the Windows Vista and Windows 7 firwall:-

  1. Click Start and in the Search for Programs and Files box type Firewall and press enter.
  2. In the found programs click Windows Firewall.
  3. If the Windows Firewall is enabled the Windows Firewall state will be on. If it is off, click Change settings or Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left column.
  4. In the Firewall Settings window, select On and click ok

A software firewall can help protect your computer but at the same time can cause issues with your networking. For example, you may be unable to browse other computers on the network, other computers may be unable to browse your computer, and may not be able to print on a network printer because of a firewall.To disable a firewall depends on what firewall or antivirus program is installed.

  • Disabling the Windows Vista and Windows 7 firewall:-

  1. Click Start and in the Search for Programs and Files box type Firewall and press enter.
  2. In the found programs click Windows Firewall.
  3. If the Windows Firewall is enabled the Windows Firewall state will be on. To turn it off, click Change settings or Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left column.
  4. In the Firewall Settings window, select Off and click ok.

  *********Thanking You Friends*************

Is It Possible To Crash Or Shutdown The Entire Internet?

No. The Internet as a whole is a collection of many independent networks controlled and maintained by different people, businesses, and governments and has been designed to be redundant, which means even if one portion of the network goes down users should still be able to get to their destination in most cases.
It is still possible for the Internet to experience outages often caused by severe events such as large power outages and earthquakes. When large outages occur a large portion of the Internet or even an entire country may be affected. However, even these serious outages will not cause the Internet to shutdown or crash. For example, in early 2007 Asia experienced a series of earthquakes that damaged undersea cables that caused wide Internet and phone related issues in that part of the world. However, the remainder of the world still had access to the Internet.
Also, some governments can setup firewalls and other protection schemes to prevent users from accessing pages on the Internet or totally block access to the Internet. For example, in 2011 the Egypt government shutdown the Internet several times during protests to prevent any information leaking out onto the Internet. However, even during this strict shutdown, citizens were still able to find ways to access the Internet.

     Thanking you friends............

Is There A Way To Tell How Hot My CPU Is Running?

Hi Friends as you know that computer must have thermal sensors now your task is to determine how hot your computer is running. Without the proper sensors the below programs designed to monitor the temperature of your processor, video card, hard drive, etc. will not work.

CPU temperature monitor programs:-

  • HWMonitor - A fantastic free program that displays the temperature of your CPU, each of its cores if applicable, your video card GPU if applicable, hard drives, and the min and max values of each. Below is an example of what this program looks like.

HWMonitor temperature and screen shot example

  • SpeedFan - Another good program to not only monitor the temperature of your CPU, system, and HDD but also display the fan RPM readings of each of the fans in your computer

           Thanks a lot guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's ODP And ODPR?

Hello friends these are totally different terms for all of you please carefully learn this terms and increase your knowledge...

Intel OverDrive socket

OverDrive Processor(ODP) is a microprocessor developed by Intel Corp. that was first developed for the 804886 processors and was also available with Intel Pentium processors and the Intel Pentium II processor. Most motherboards had an additional empty socket to accommodate this OverDrive processor. However, some motherboards had a replacement processor known as the  OverDrive Processor Replacement(ODPR), that would work as a replacement for the current processor in the computer. The above picture is an example of what the OverDrive processor may look like.
Today, OverDrive processors are no longer being developed by Intel and are also no longer supported or sold by Intel. There are a few companies that can still supply customers with these processors. However, a user should seriously consider upgrading their computer instead of purchasing an ODP or ODPR.

                  THANKING YOU GUYS.......................

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Quickly Find Icon Or File

Hello friends how is your life going on??I hope you are happy and enjoying a lot these days,after reading this article you will capable of doing your work very fast,so keep concentrating....

Quickly find an icon in a group of icons or a specific item in an alphabetic list of items by highlighting one of the icons or list items and pressing the beginning letter of the item you're looking for. Below are some examples of how this could be used.

Windows desktop icons - If you have a lot of icons on your desktop or in another folder highlight one of the icons and press the first letter. For example if you were looking for an icon named "test" highlight any icon and then press the "t" key. Note: you can also press the "t" key multiple times to individually highlight each icon that starts with "t".

Internet drop down list - Instead of scrolling through a list of options in an Internet drop down list press the first letter of the option you're looking for. For example, if you were looking through a list of states and you wanted "Utah" press U to automatically scroll down to it

!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanking You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Send A Web Page To A Friend

Hi,when visiting a web page you may come across something you like, for those pages that don't have an e-mail option following the below simple steps can allow you to easily send a link to a friend.

Internet Explorer users:-

Send a friend the web page you are viewing by clicking File, Send, and 
"Page by E-mail". If you do not see the File menu press the Alt key.

Firefox users:-

Right-click on the page you wish to send to your friend and in the menu click Send link.

Opera users:-

Right-click on the page you wish to send to your friend and in the menu click Send link by Mail.

Netscape users:-

Send a friend the web page you are viewing by clicking File, and "Send Page"

    Thanking You Guys>>>>>>>>>>>>

How Does A Website Or Advertisement Know Where I Am?

When visiting some websites you may notice that the page or ad on that page is marketing directly to you. For example, it may be advertising singles in your city or state, this advertising is known as geo-targeting and is done by analyzing the location of your Hostname, IP address or analyzing the hops in a traceroute of your IP address.
This information gathered often points to the location of your ISP. However, with more sophisticated systems it may be able to also gather the exact city you personally live in.
In addition to getting your location, using the above methods geo-tracking can also be done when registering on a website. For example, after registering the site may store a cookie on your computer and use that cookie to give you more targeted advertising.

The rudimentary form of geo-targeting that obtains its data from your hostname or IP address will not be able to get anything more than your City, State, Country and sometimes Zip code. More personal information such as your full home address, phone number, name, birth date, age, sex, etc. cannot be obtained from your computer without you filling out a form first.

                          Thanking You...............

Create a Windows e-mail Shortcut

Hello friends this is a nice way to prevent your time please read the below article and try it..

If you have a friend, family member, or co-work that you often e-mail creating an e-mail shortcut link on your Desktop or Taskbar can be a quick and easy way to e-mail them. To create an e-mail shortcut follow the below steps.

1. Right-click the Desktop or area you want to create the e-mail shortcut and select New and then Shortcut.

2. For the location or path to the shortcut enter where is the e-mail address you want to use in the shortcut
Email Windows shortcut

3. Click Next and then type the name of the Shortcut and click Finish.
Now when this shortcut is clicked a new e-mail window will appear with that e-mail address already typed into the To field.

************Thanking You Friends*************

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Keep A Log With Microsoft Notepad

Friends This is really very interesting please do this and after that see the magic:):):):)

Keep a log using Microsoft Notepad by opening a new text file in Microsoft Notepad or an existing text file in Notepad and adding ".LOG" (without the quotes) at the beginning of the file. Now each time the file is opened in Notepad a time and date stamp will be automatically added.

************Thank you************

Delete Files Without Getting A Prompt


Temporarily prevent the confirmation prompt when deleting files:-

Holding down the Shift key when deleting files will disable the confirmation prompt only for the files you're currently deleting.

Permanently prevent the confirmation prompt for all files:-

Delete files faster by removing the "Are you sure you want to delete" Microsoft Windows confirmation box for all files by right-clicking the Recycle Bin icon on the Desktop, click Properties and uncheck "Display delete confirmation dialog", as shown in the below picture. Once this has been done click the Ok box and now any file you delete will be immediately sent to the Recycle Bin, unless you also have the option to not move items to the Recycle Bin enabled.
Recycle Bin disable prompt option

THANKING YOU FRIENDS...........................

Windows Selective Startup

Hey friends if you are getting frustated with your startup programs then you can easily sort out your problem after read this article.....

Improve overall system performance, boot time, and get rid of programs you don't want running in the background, by choosing to do a Selective Startup in msconfig.

  1. Click Start, Run and type: msconfig and press enter.
  2. In the System Configuration Utility click the Startup tab.
  3. Uncheck programs you do not wish to load each time your computer starts. Once done click ok and restart the computer. After the computer boots back into Windows you will receive a prompt about Windows being in a selective startup. Check the box to not receive the prompt and click ok.

**************Thanks friends**************

Create Desktop Shortcuts To Your Favorite Web Pages

Hello friends many times when you do surfing on the internet you always thought that can i make my favorite webpage as a shortcut,but you couldn't get success in it ,today i will solve your biggest problem so be happy:):):)


Create Windows Desktop shortcuts to your favorite web pages by following the below steps.

  1. Open the web page you wish to create a shortcut for.
  2. Resize your browser window so it's not maximized.
  3. Once in a window mode click the icon to the left of the Internet address in the address bar and drag it to your desktop and let go to create a shortcut.

              THANKING YOU GUYS!!!!!!

Find And Delete Bad Windows Shortcuts

Hello Guys download the below software and clean your PC:):)

Use the free Bad Shortcut Killer to find and delete any bad Microsoft Windows shortcuts that have been left behind by Windows programs that have been uninstalled.

How to use this program:-

  1. Download Bad Shortcut Killer.
  2. During the install make sure to only keep the checkboxes to install Bing checked if you want Bing to be installed and set as your default search engine.
  3. After the program has been installed and is running click the Find Bad Shortcuts.
  4. Any bad shortcuts that are found will be listed and selected and deleted.

     THANKS FRIENDS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Shrink The Windows 7 Taskbar Icons

Hello friends if you want to do experiments with your Taskbar then please read this article........

In order to shrink your taskbar icons, so they look smaller on your screen, follow the instructions below:

  • Right-click Start
  • Click Properties
  • Click Taskbar
  • Make sure the box next to 'Use small icons' is checked

*************Thanks Friends*************

Monday, April 23, 2012

How can I Get My PC To Talk To Me?

Friends must read this article is really very important to all of us and after reading this article please help such type of peoples by telling them about this..........

Users who are blind or have impaired vision may need their computer to speak to them so they can help understand what is on the screen and navigate a graphical environment easier.

In addition, some users may want a PC to talk to them or read text to them as they are working on something else to help increase productivity

Blind or vision impaired users looking for accessibility solutions:-
Microsoft Windows Narrator and Magnifier - Although these programs are not as sophisticated as some of the other solutions listed below, these are free software solutions that come with Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, and later that can help Microsoft Windows users navigate their computer. Both of these programs can be accessed by clicking Start, Programs, Accessories, Accessibility, and then clicking on either Magnifier or Narrator. Below is a brief description of each of these programs.
Magnifier - A great program that allows users who are vision impaired or find it difficult to read a lot of the text on their screen to magnify portions of the screen, allowing them to read and navigate their computer easier.
Narrator - This program is intended more for the blind; it reads buttons, links, and portions of a window aloud to the user, allowing him or her to navigate. Unfortunately, this program is fairly limited; however, it can help some users with their navigation, but most will need to find an alternative

Users looking for programs to run on their computer to read text aloud:-
If you're looking for a program to install and run on your computer at any time that can read text aloud, you should consider one of the below free programs.
Sayz Me Text To Speech Reader - A fantastic, free Windows software program that will read any text that is typed in or text that is copied

Users looking for speech synthesis on the Internet
Below is a small listing of just a few of the web pages available that allow users to type and listen to speech synthesis over the Internet. Almost all of these pages only require a web browser and speakers (or headphones) to work.
AT&T Text-To-Speech (TTS) demo - One of the best freely accessible and sounding speech synthesis programs online that will convert typed text into an audio format that can be played all online without the need of having to download any software.
Say... - Another great free online program that allows you to type text into a text box and have that text converted into an audio file that can be played online

************THANKING YOU FRIENDS*************

How To Rename The Microsoft Windows Recycle Bin?

Hello dosto main aaj phir se aapko,aapki windows 7 ke bare m kuch btane ja rha hu mujhe pura vishvash hai aap ise jrur sikhna chahoge so keep start learning how to rename recycle bin in microsoft  window and take enjoy in it:):):):)

  1. Click Start and then Run
  2. Type regedit and press enter.
  3. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder
  4. Open the CLSID folder
  5. Open the {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} folder
  6. Open the ShellFolder folder
  7. Change the Attributes data value from 40 01 00 20 to 50 01 00 20. Once completed change the CallForAttributes dword value to 0x00000000 (double-click and change value data to 0). You must change both of these values to get the rename to appear.

After performing the above steps you will be able to rename the icon like any other icon. Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and click Rename and rename it to whatever you wish.

                 Thanking You Guys>>>>>>>>>>

Watch Free Online Lectures And Courses

Hello friends if you are searching any website from which you can learn many and many and many things through online lectures than  please read this article I hope you will get some help......

Today, there are hundreds of free online lectures available in almost any conceivable topic. Visit Academic Earth, KHANACADEMY, and Lecturefox to get instant access to thousands of free online lectures and courses, many of them from the top Colleges in the world.

           ******THANKING YOU*******

How Can I Hide Data Within An Image?

Hello Dosto kaise ho??????I hope aap sab maje main hi hoge!!!!!!!!!!!! life bhut badi hai dosto iske maje mere blogs ke sath lete raho:):):)
Today you will learn something new so keep learning.....

For this to work you will need WinRAR installed on your computer and Microsoft Windows with access to the command prompt.

Hiding a message or other data:-

  1. Create a text file with your secret message or hidden data and highlight it and highlight each of the files you wish to secretly add to the image file. In this example we created one text file called message.txt.
  2. Once highlighted right-click the highlighted file and click Add to "message.rar", where message.rar is the name of the file you right-clicked on.
  3. Open an Windows command line window.
  4. Move to the directory that contains the .rar file and the image you wish to hide the text in.
  5. Type a command similar to the below command.
    copy /b secret.jpg + message.rar hidden.jpg
    In the above example, "secret.jpg" is the name of the image you're using, the .rar file is the name of the file used earlier, and hidden.jpg is the name of the new image with the hidden message within it.

Viewing the secret message:-

  1. Save the image to the computer if you're viewing it online.
  2. Open WinRAR by clicking Start, Programs, WinRAR, and then WinRAR.
  3. Within WinRAR click File and Open archive. Within the open window make sure your files of type option is all files and not just compressed files.
  4. Browse to the location of the image and double-click the image to open it.
  5. Once open it should display the file(s) contained within the image that can be extracted from the image.

           ************Thanking You Friends*************

Sunday, April 22, 2012

If Indian Movies Were Released by Microsoft


     The names of movies shall be as follows:-

Munna Bhai MCSE

Kal MSN Ho Na Ho

Love in mIRC

Tere Nick

ID Mil Gaya

Chat To Kero

Ek Programmer Thi

Yeh Hack Horaha Hai

Hum Pyar PC Se Kar Baithe

Network Ke Us Paar

Meri Disc Tumhare Paas Hai

Aao Chat Kare

C++ Wale Job Le Jayenge

Programmer No.1

Mera Naam Developer

Hum Apke Memory Mein Rahate Hein

Do Processor, Baarah Terminal

Tera Code Chal Gaya

Har Din Jo Mail Karega

Debugging Koi Khel Nahi

Jish Desh Mein Bill Gates Rehtha Hai

Raju Ban Gaya MCSD

Client Ek Numbari

C ++Programmer Dus Numbari 

Login Karo Sajana

Naukar PC Ka

1942 — A Bug Story

Kaho Na Virus Hai

Crash Se Crash Tak

Haan Meine Bhi Debug Kiya Hai

                   THANK YOU FRIENDS>>>>>>>>>>

Problem Steps Recorder

Friends,This is an awesome new feature for Windows 7.  It allows the user to walk someone else through a problem they can't describe with just words.  By using the Problem Steps Recorder, the user can press record and it will record all of the keystrokes and windows the user is seeing that leads up to the error or problem, making it easier for troubleshooting the error.

  1. Click on the Start Button.
  2. Type in either Problems Steps Recorder, or PSR.
  3. Click on PSR.
  4. Minimize the PSR.
  5. Go to the first page of how you are getting to the problem.
  6. Go back to the PSR.
  7. Click on Start Record
  8. Start with the first page and click on everything you clicked on before that lead you to the error or problem.
  9. Go back to the PSR.
  10. Click on Stop Record.
  11. This will bring up a Save As Box
  12. Click on the location you wish to save this file as.
  13. Type in a name for the file.
  14. Click save.  This will save the file as a Zip file in the location you chose.
  15. You may now access this file or send this file in an email for someone who is helping you troubleshoot the issue you are having with your computer.

           *****Thank You Friends******

Programming Language Generations


In the computer industry, these abbreviations are widely used to represent major steps or "generations" in the evolution of programming languages.

1GL or first-generation language was (and still is) machine language or the level of instructions and data that the processor is actually given to work on (which in conventional computers is a string of 0s and 1s).

2GL or second-generation language is assembler (sometimes called "assembly") language.An assembler converts the assembler language statements into machine language.

3GL or third-generation language is a "high-level" programming language, such as PL/I, C, orJava. A compiler converts the statements of a specific high-level programming language into machine language. (In the case of Java, the output is called bytecode, which is converted into appropriate machine language by a Java virtual machine that runs as part of an operating system platform.) A 3GL language requires a considerable amount of programming knowledge.

4GL or fourth-generation language is designed to be closer to natural language than a 3GL language. Languages for accessing databases are often described as 4GLs

5GL or fifth-generation language is programming that uses a visual or graphical development interface to create source language that is usually compiled with a 3GL or 4GL language compiler. Microsoft, Borland, IBM, and other companies make 5GL visual programming products for developing applications in Java.

             THANK YOU FRIENDS..........

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How can I Renew Or Release An IP In Linux?

If you love to work in Linux then this commands will really help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coming from a Microsoft operating system to Linux you may be surprised to see there is not an option for ifconfig to release and renew an IP address. Below are two different methods of how this can be done at the command line.

ifconfig eth0 down:-

Running the above command would take the eth0 interface (the first network card) down. Which is the same as releasing the IP address from that network card.

ifconfig eth0 up:-

After the interface is taken down, typing in the above command would bring that interface back up.

      Thanking you Friends..........

How To Change The Prompt

Hello friends how are you?????today i will share to all of you something really interesting about prompts in DOS and  Unix and Linux....

Microsoft DOS users:-

To change the prompt in MS-DOS you must utilize the prompt command followed by special codes used in conjunction with the prompt command. Below are some commonly used prompts.

prompt $p$g

Changes the prompt to the standard used prompt in MS-DOS listing the drive with the current path, similar to what is seen below.

prompt $t $d$_$p$g

Change the prompt to list the time and date above the standard prompt, similar to what is seen below.
13:38:49.78 Mon 02/17/2003

Unix and Linux users:-

Changing the prompt in Unix and Linux varies depending on what shell you are using.
If you are using the C Shell, type:

set prompt="`hostname`>"

Displays the hostname in the prompt, similar to the below prompt:

set prompt="`pwd`>"

Displays the working directory with the prompt:

set prompt="`hostname`(`pwd`)>"

Displays the hostname along with the working directory:

------------------------Thanking You Friends--------------------------------

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