Tuesday, May 01, 2012

What Is Mail Merge?

Hello friends this is something different and really useful feature for lazy persons:):):):):)

A mail merge is a capability of database software, word processors, and some e-mail programs that takes a standard form and formats that form with unique fields such as e-mail address, name, address, phone number, or other personal information to make the message look unique. For example, a standard form may look like the below example.


Dear [username],

We would like to thank you [username] for purchasing our product.

Some company

With a program capable of mail merge, the program would pull the personal information and place the appropriate information into the above fields. So the above form may look like:

1234 some street
City, State Zip

Dear Bob Smith,

We would like to thank you Bob Smith for purchasing our product.

Some company

                      Thanking You Friends.......

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